
BetterWorks hosting event to unveil study findings

BetterWorks is excited to announce a special event where we will unveil the findings of our latest study. This comprehensive research explores key trends and insights in employee performance management, providing valuable data for businesses looking to enhance their workplace culture and productivity.

Presentation of Study Findings

Gain in-depth insights into the latest trends and data on employee performance and engagement.

Expert Panel Discussion

Hear from industry leaders and experts as they discuss the implications of the study's findings and share their perspectives on future trends.

Networking Opportunities

Journalists have shared insights on the optimal times for pitching to ensure your story grabs their attention. Understanding their schedules and peak times for checking pitches can significantly enhance the chances of your news being picked up and featured.

Key Elements Journalists Value in News Releases

Journalists value news releases that are clear, concise, and provide all the necessary information up front. High-quality multimedia assets, such as images, videos, and infographics, are also essential, as they can make a story more compelling and shareable.

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  • Herman Miller Reply
    17 September 2023, 6:05 PM

    Journalists value news releases that are clear, concise, and provide all the necessary information up front. High-quality multimedia assets, such as images, videos, and infographics, are also essential, as they can make a story more compelling and shareable.

    • Wilbur Haddock Reply
      18 Octomber 2023, 10:19 PM

      Timing is another critical aspect; knowing when journalists are most receptive to pitches can make a significant difference in getting your news covered.

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