Email marketing

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Email marketing:
It is a digital marketing strategy that involves sending promotional messages, newsletters, product updates, or other relevant content to a targeted audience via email. It is a powerful tool for businesses to engage with their customers, build brand awareness, drive sales, and foster customer loyalty..

Email Campaigns
Imagine your email open rates boosting from the usual 5-10 % all the way upto 55%-60 %

Unbelievable? We’ve done it! Not once or twice or thrice, email over email, campaign over campaign we consistently hit 35-65 %

What do we help you with?
· Building and Nurturing Relationships.
· Increasing Brand Awareness.
· Driving Website Traffic.
· Boosting Sales and Revenue.
· Segmentation and Personalization.
· Measurable Results and Analytics.
· Cost-Effectiveness.
· Automation and Efficiency.
· Measurable Results and Analytics.
